Linda Atwell, author of Loving Lindsey: Raising a Daughter with Special Needs, has been published in a variety of publications, including The Oregonian, Sweeney’s, Perceptions Literary Magazine Of The Arts (one of her stories was selected as the Editor’s Choice for the category of nonfiction), Women’s Memoirs, Break The Parenting Mold, The Mighty, Psychology Today, Women Writers, Women’s Books, Unconventional Librarian, Mamapedia,, Hip Mama Magazine and Lifezette. She received an Honorable Mention in the Willamette Writers Kay Snow Writing Contest and was the first place winner in The E. Riney Memorial Award contest. Her winning story was published in The Storyteller Magazine.
In July, one week after our visit with Gabe and his parents, Lindsey appeared in our kitchen while I was rinsing a handful of spoons and forks and loading them into the dishwasher.
“If I have that flop-on operation, will you still bring me presents and flowers?” my nineteen-year-old daughter asked.
I sucked in air, holding my breath for a moment, before releasing it more loudly than I’d planned. Lindsey probably thought her question had annoyed me, but that wasn’t the case. I’d been thinking about the Clearblue pregnancy test she’d taken two days before. Based upon the description she’d given of her sexual encounter with Gabe, my husband and I didn’t think she could possibly be pregnant. And we were right. When it turned negative, Lindsey clapped her hands and jumped up down like a kindergartner. But what if the stick had turned blue? Click here to read more.
When Your Daughter Won’t have babies — Psychology Today
After Lindsey was born, I held her seven-pound, eight-ounce form in my arms and dreamed about her future. My ears could almost hear her first word—“Mama,” of course! I couldn’t wait to teach Lindsey her ABCs, read Dr. Seuss, play patty cake and peekaboo. I pictured her wearing white tights, her hair tied in pigtails and sporting a huge grin as she headed to kindergarten. I just knew my daughter would graduate top of her class, go to college, get married, and eventually, have a baby of her own. In those sweet moments, I could almost smell my future grandchild’s baby powdered body. Click here to read more.
A Personal Author Interview and Book Review — Kristi Rieger Campbell of Finding Ninee

“When I spoke with Linda Atwell, author of Loving Lindsey, I wished she lived next door. I had just a few questions. We spoke for two hours. We agreed that Loving Lindsey is a book about mothers and daughters and all mamas and children and love and challenge and love all over again. We talked about how the fact that Linda’s daughter Lindsey has special needs is but one of the ingredients in her girl, and in their history and future.” Click here to read more.
Letting our children learn from their mistakes: not always easy, but worth it by ellen seidman of Love that max
This excerpt is from the new memoir Loving Lindsey: Raising a Daughter with Special Needs by Linda Atwell. For years I’ve read about Lindsey, now 37, on Linda’s blog. Lindsey has a tremendous spirit, a strong well, and intellectual disability, and her mom writes lovingly about her while telling it like it is. The book is the same, a beautiful coming-of-age story.
When Linda first mentioned the book to Lindsey, Linda recounts,”she asked me if I was going to tell the good, the bad and the ugly. I told her that, yes, I would do just that. She said, ‘Well, I am pretty funny. As long as you tell the truth, it’s OK by me!'” Linda did not disappoint. Click here to read more.
What is it like raising a child with Special Needs? — Unconventional librarian
Writing about my special needs daughter — Women Writers, Women’s Books
One of my dearest friends recently told me, “Lindsey is the most difficult person with special needs I’ve ever encountered.”
Folks might think such a statement would be disconcerting. After all, I am Lindsey’s mother. I’ve also written a book about our complicated relationship. However, instead of wounding my spirit, her words left me feeling validated, a little less alone in the world—because, darn it anyway, my daughter is difficult. And, wow! I am not the only person who sees this. Click here to read more.
Why These Parents Celebrated every bit of progress — Lifezette
My daughter lives in her own apartment. She files paperwork part-time at State Farm Insurance, working in a back room away from clients. She is 37.
With a huge grin on her face, she will tell anyone who asks, “I work full-time, two hours a day.” Why is this remarkable? Wouldn’t most 37-year-olds be living independently at this point in time? Click here to read more.
Memoir Contest Winner: Adopting Arthur – Women’s Memoirs
Linda Atwell’s story Adopting Arthur, A Labor of Love tied for first place in our PETS: Love and Labor Category. Women’s Memoirs is pleased to publish Linda’s winning story from our September 2011 Memoir Writing Contest.
Linda, we loved your story from our first read through of it and we’re sure our readers will enjoy it as well. If you have a pet or enjoy the pets of friends, you’re understand just how delightful this story is. Click here to read more.