Lindsey has a little advice on how to have the merriest Christmas ever: “Christmas is the time to be caring and thoughtful, fun, nice, and kind. Think about others and have a great time with family. Sing, party, dance, and kick up your bootie. And it’s okay to open cards when you get them. But presents should wait till Christmas.”
And here are a few more Lindsey thoughts for this special day:

M – is for Mail. It’s fun to send Christmas cards, but I like to get some too.
E – is for Everything changes (about the holidays) when you lose a Grandpa. I lost mine and I sure miss him. But he would want me to have fun. So I try.
R – is for Really enjoy all your family. Family is important. I learned that the hard way when I ran away for awhile and didn’t get to see my family. But now I get to see them. And now I enjoy them too.
R – is for Remember that the reason for the season is Jesus.
Y – is for Yippee! (clapping gleefully) Santa Claus is coming to town.
C – is for Christmas Sweaters–especially if they’re funky!
H – is for Holiday. I get the day off! So I’m gonna enjoy it.
R – is for Resting. After the fun and food, I get to rest. I like my sleep.
I – is for It’s Jesus’ birthday. It’s the day He was born. Sometimes people forget that, but I like to remember that it is His birthday.
S – is for Singing Christmas songs, especially Jingle Bells. That’s my favorite.
T – is for Telling funny stories. All the relatives do that and it makes me laugh.
M – is for Making all kinds of different foods. I won’t say my favorite because somebody might get her feelings hurt and I don’t want to do that. So everything everybody brings is my favorite.

A – is for All the decorations. I went to see the Christmas lights in Keizer and boy were they pretty! And I love looking at my mom’s Santa collection. She has one Santa that she got when I was little. He has a list and my name is on it! That one’s my favorite.
S – is for Surpsies! I like opening gifts and seeing what’s inside. I can’t wait because it’s so much fun!
My first book will be coming out September 26, 2017. If you are interested in learning more about Loving Lindsey: Raising a Daughter with Special Needs, please click here.