Cancun Mexico Beach


Ten Things of Thankful: January 5, 2014

The date on the calendar reads 2014. I feel fortunate in many ways and can’t think of a better way to start off this grand New Year than with some gratitude.  This week I’m thankful:

1)   for first class seats. I finally saved enough miles (over the last four years, 11 months, and twenty-two days—but who’s counting?) to upgrade our seats from economy to first class. It made the flight from Portland to Cancun a lot less painful. The sad part? Well, my next roundtrip flight will be back in economy–probably in a middle seat.

2)   for sunshine. Our first twenty-four hours in Mexico, it rained and rained and rained. This morning we woke to sunshine. Although a couple showers interrupted our fun this afternoon, today resulted in more sunshine than wet stuff.  My smile is wide.

3)   for warm temperatures. Even when it rains, the local temperaturet is still thirty-five degrees warmer than back home. I love the heat and am grateful that I’m not wearing flannel pajamas to bed tonight.

4)   for our group of friends—one in particular who loves to cook. He served fresh greens tossed in vinaigrette dressing, a huge pan of lasagna, and a whipped chocolate dessert—everything made entirely from scratch. We had so much fun ringing out the old year and cheering in the new one on on Tuesday night with people we love. Thank you! Thank you!

5)   for my new Fitbit. It’s tracking every single step I take without any effort on my part. Plus it tracks a whole lot more, like miles walked and calories and sleep patterns. If the Fitbit is as accurate as it claims, I’ve been walking a heck of a lot–almost 17,000 steps each day for the last three days.

Tropical Flowers in Mexico6)   for tropical beauty.  I love Mexico. The lush greens, the bright flowers, the wildlife, the white sands, the blue sea. And the people are amazing! There’s nothing to fear traveling south of our borders. If you can, please visit Mexico.

7)   for the invention of Internet. I can be out of the country and still connect with all those I care about. (That means, you!)

8)   that the holidays are over and all the decorations are packed away. As much as I love that time of year, I’m glad when it is over. Christmas will be here again (before we know it). Until then, I’ll treasure the incredible memories we made in 2013.

9)   that my entire family is healthy. We are not suffering losses and diagnosis that several dear friends are facing right now. My thoughts and heart are with them as they struggle with these life hurdles.

10)  for every New Year. There are so many exciting unknowns. And that is part of the journey. I can’t wait to see what is in store for all of us. Happy New Year!

Loving Lindsey Cover

My first book will be coming out September 26, 2017. If you are interested in learning more about Loving Lindsey: Raising a Daughter with Special Needs, please click here.

Ten Things of Thankful

I share many passions in this world: antiquing, gardening, hiking, traveling, taking amateur photographs, writing, sitting on a white, sandy beach with my husband and sipping a frozen margarita—just to name a few. If you enjoy any of these things too, let's connect! The world is better with friends.