Nick and Lindsey Smiling

Blog Special Needs

Dear Lindsey and Nick: Advice For Life And Love #3

Lindsey and Nick offered marriage advice in honor of their first anniversary.  It turns out this couple enjoys giving advice. “I think we’re good at it,” Lindsey said. Nick stood by her side, nodding in agreement. So they’ve agreed to offer their sage advice from time to time.

Dear Lindsey and Nick:

When you make each other really really mad, how do you find a way to talk about it? Do you need to take a break first?
~Kristi Rieger Campbell, Finding Ninee

Lindsey: Walk away before you start to yell.

Nick: But explain that you are walking away so the other person doesn’t follow you and try to keep talking.  I like to talk right away and fix the problem or I won’t remember the fight.

Lindsey: I can’t talk when I’m mad or I yell.

Both: Sometimes we get teary-eyed and start to cry.

Nick: I don’t want to lose Lindsey.

Lindsey: I don’t want to lose Nick.

Lindsey: We try not to interrupt each other. It’s better if we let each other finish sentences.

Both: Get counseling if you can’t solve your problems all by yourself. (Lindsey and Nick decided to take their own advice. They began marriage counseling this week. Please wish them luck and keep them in your thoughts.)


Book: Loving Lindsey - Raising a Daughter with Special NeedsMy first book will be coming out September 26, 2017. If you are interested in learning more about Loving Lindsey: Raising a Daughter with Special Needs, please click here.




I share many passions in this world: antiquing, gardening, hiking, traveling, taking amateur photographs, writing, sitting on a white, sandy beach with my husband and sipping a frozen margarita—just to name a few. If you enjoy any of these things too, let's connect! The world is better with friends.